Sunday, 15 March 2009

Too little, too late Ahmed

Do you hear that? It's the worlds smallest violin: Lord Ahmed is out of prison and is sorry (Daily Mail, 15/03/09)

In case you didn't know, Lord Ahmed, the first Muslim Peer - thanks for that one Tony Blair - was texting on his mobile whilst driving and then murder...I mean, collided with Slovakian Martyn Gombar whilst he was beside his broken down car on the M1 who died from his injuries.

But it's OK, the British Legal system threw the book at him for dangerous driving which ultimately led to a death of an innocent man...hang on, I was dreaming, he served 16 days of his 12 week sentence. 16 days.

One part of the article I find particularly sickening:

"I didn't know at the time, but Mr Gombar was over the legal alcohol limit, which may have been why his car had spun out of control and why he was standing there like he was."

What a strange thing to say, so it was Mr Gombars fault that Lord Ahmed was texting instead of concentrating on the road ahead. Priceless. Of course, taking Lord Ahmed's religion into account we know that alcohol is forbidden in Islam (until you get to Jannah of course where rivers flow with wine) which automatically makes Mr Gombar guilty in Lord Ahmed's book thus I wouldn't be surprised if he considers causing his death as bringing glory to Allah.

Lord Ahmed's defense was that the last text he had sent was two minutes before the accident and if I was a lawyer I would have argued to point regarding the operative word - sent. Just because he had last sent a text 2 minutes before the accident which was the fifth text he had sent in total doesn't mean he wasn't typing his sixth when it happened.

Still, the deed is done and it's not going to bring back Mr Gombar. Of course, there's no excuse for drink driving at all and if it were up to me I would set the limit at zero but he shouldn't have had to pay for it with his life and wouldn't have if Lord Ahmed had been concentrating on the road instead of his mobile.

The fact that he only got a 12 week sentence is a disgrace, and that he only served 16 days is a crime and I'm saying this not just because he's a Muslim, it would apply across the board. But as a member of the House of Lords, he needs to be setting an example, and this is a disgraceful one.

To be honest, Ahmed should have lost his peerage when he threatened to summon 10,000 Muslims on the House of Lords to stop Geert Wilders showing his film Fitna, this is pure Muslim intimidation at its worst. Naturally Ahmed has denied ever saying this which is most circumstances would be believeable were it not for a particularly memorable event in Islamic history, the storming of Mecca when Mohammed miraculously summoned...wait for it...10,000 Muslims.

I'm afraid I don't believe that this will haunt Lord Ahmed for the rest of his life as he says, I suspect he has rationalised it with his faith, after all, the Quaran mandates the killing of those guilty of disobeying Allah and I bet he sleeps like a baby knowing that he has done Allah's work.

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