Saturday, 21 March 2009

Stop press: IDF state the obvious, Western Media in tailspin

"You are fighting a religion war against gentiles: What Rabbis told Israeli soldiers in Gaza" - Daily Mail (20/03/09)

Why is this news? Muslims are attempting to kills as many Jews as possible as dictated in the Quaran:

Quaran 2:193 - "And fight them until there is no more fitnah [disbelief] and religion is only for Allah. But if they cease/desist, let there be no hostility except against infidel disbelievers."


Quaran 4:55 - "Sufficient for the Jew is the flaming fire"


Quaran 2:96 - "We will not remove a Jew from the punishment. They know the shameful thing that awaits them."

Infact, there are simply too many to quote from the Quaran which reads like a poorly written hate manifesto but the point is that Muslims are simply carrying out orders given to them by Satan...I mean...Allah.

Furthermore, Hamas are open about their objective, a Jihad against Israel. Last time I checked Jihad meant holy war so they consider their actions to be religiously motivated.

So now we have a 'revelation' that the IDF were told by a Rabbi that the war was a religious war and this somehow makes the news as an attempt to portray the Jews as the terrorists. This is no different than Chaplains blessing British troops before they go into battle yet it doesn't make us crusaders.

This is not a revelation, it's just another attempt at making Israel look like the bad guy and rubbish the Jewish faith to those who are receptive to the message without checking the details i.e. Muslims and left wing moonbats who are in bed with them.

But what about being authorised to kill civilians? Civilians always get in the way but targeting them directly (which is what Hamas do yet there is no outrage?) is a no no. But this came from the IDF right? Wrong. Melanie Phillips explains. Yet another case of blatant media bias publishing fiction as fact which may or may not get a retraction but by then it doesn't matter, the fix is in.

Why don't the IDF don't just bulldoze Gaza into the Mediterranean? This is a war. The press will demonise them whatever they do so why not just get the job done? All you need to do is give Hamas a warning - the next rocket that lands on our soil triggers a 10 day unstoppable countdown. Safe passage will be arranged for anyone wanting to relocate in the West Bank or other Arab nation that will have you [chuckle] and anyone left will be fair game - hopefully lefties will flock there in a bid to act as human shields so they can be dispensed also. Carpet bomb it first, then napalm to flush out any fox holes, a period of surveillance and then the armour goes in followed by bulldozers. Job done.

They have declared war on you, what are you waiting for?

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