Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Quick thought of the day

The leftists argument that Israel is an occupying force and Gaza has entitlement to defend itself under international law, and Israel, also entitled to defend itself from the repeated rocket attacks under international law, then isn't it just a clear cut case for all out no holds barred war?

I know one thing, if I were in charge of Israel and I had the responsibility of keeping my people safe I would give Hamas a final ultimatum - one more rocket and you start a 10 day countdown to the wholesale destruction of Gaza. During which time safe passage would be provided for civilians through to Palestinian West Bank and another living left in Gaza wouldn't stay so for long once zero hour on day 10 arrives.

The reason why the media and the leftists have the majority at the moment because no Western power, possibly since 1991 Gulf War, has demonstrated the effectiveness of the use of maximum force to bring about the total defeat of an enemy. I have never subscribed to the whole shock and awe, let's take a timeout for humanitarian reasons approach. This just shows that those in charge of the military machine are trying to win the media war, not the ACTUAL war - the latter I believe to be far more important.

We've seen how Israel have been damned in the Western media since their actions in Gaza and in my opinion this is because they gave Hamas the time to report vastly inflated casualty reports rather than keeping them pinned down and under fire. The IDF wanted to avoid collateral damage but did so at the expense of their own soliders. This is unforgiveable for any commander in chief. Civilian casualties are inevitable, military losses are preventable with good planning.

The longer it dragged on, the longer the leftist media had the chance to dig up the thesaurus and use every word to villify Israel in every way possible. It gave rent a mobs a chance to organise themselves and allign themselves with pockets of Islamists. It gave the media a chance to take a few snippets out of the long history of the region and exploit them as reasons why Israel are the bad guys.

A swift campaign bringing total destruction and total defeat of the enemy along with the inevitable civilian casualties would have been in the papers for a couple of days and then filed under the Israeili-Arab conflict and everyone would have gone back to their lives.

Israel needs to take it's very existence far more seriously and worry less about what the corrupt, political correct, socialist media thinks.

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