Monday, 12 January 2009

Coming to a Britain near you

"Dancing girl murdered by Taliban after refusing to give up traditional performances despite death threats" - Daily Mail (12/01/09).

This is Sharia law in action folks. Not an extreme, hijacked version of Sharia, but pure Sharia.

'Not in my country' I hear you cry. Wrong.

'But it's only for civil disputes between Muslims'.

Maybe, but what about one law for all? What about womens rights under Sharia which are virtually non-existent? Muslim women should receive the protected legal basis and rights available under UK law yet these courts will put pay to this. Do you think Muslim women are given the choice as to which law governs the court their case is heard in?

The link might detail an event in Pakistan but the lesson should not be lost on every person in the UK who values their freedom. Sharia law must be opposed at all costs.

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