Tuesday, 20 January 2009

The Quar'an - Prophet of Doom

Today I've found the holy grail of analysis of the Quar'an.

Basically it's the whole Quar'an with commentary on, well, how it isn't a religion but more a satanic death cult. It's an abridged version so it's presented in chronological order - I'm only on page 30 and already I've got a much clearer picture of why Mohammed/Satan hated the Jews, because he wanted to be their Messiah and they weren't having any of it because they could see him for what he was, a complete phony!

I think it was a post on Infidel Bloggers Alliance I read a while back that said to win the war against terrorism/islamic hegemony we only have to kill one thing - Islam.

I think this is spot on however there is one major problem in the way - political correctness. With this in place, even discussing Islam is forbidden (I wonder why?).

That doesn't mean it can't be done, but it'll be difficult but hey, faint heart n'er won fair maiden - ask Mohammed, although his fair maiden was 6 when he married her, and 9 when he consumated the marriage....this religion has to go.

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