Saturday, 14 February 2009

Britain, one step closer to Sharia

OK Britain, our Government turned away Geert Wilders to prevent enraging the local Muslim population thus they have now confirmed our second rate status of Dhimmi to our Muslim masters. This is where we are now and if being Islam's bitch isn't enough self imposed humiliation to our Government, the next stop on this road to oblivion is Sharia law. So let's ask ourselves a question - who benefits from Sharia law?

Not Women

Under Sharia law, a woman is only worth half that of a man. She is an object for the man to use as he pleases. She must cover up most of her body whilst out in public lest she entice other Muslim males to rape her for causing temptation or kill her for not being Muslim enough. Still, if she is lucky enough to be raped instead of killed, she can always take the perps to court as long as she can provide four male witnesses who can testify to the rape and who actually saw the act of penetration. If she can't, well, too bad, she'll then be stoned to death for bringing shame to her family.

Of course, I'm jumping the gun a bit here talking of marriage, she's had 18 years of freedom before this right? Wrong. Turns out a woman can be married off by her parents from quite an early age. What, 14? 15? Actually there isn't a minimum age. Muhammed, Islam's esteemed Prophet, took Aisha as his bride when she was 6 years old. In case you didn't catch that, Muhammed, the person all Muslims hold as the purist symbol of existence, married a six year old girl. Still, he waited until she was nine before he consumated the marriage, what a guy! If at this point you're thinking 'Yeah, well that was 1400 years ago, it's not like it's happening today' you'd be wrong and wrong again.

Still, you can refuse to be married off can't you? Yes, as long as you're good at running away and keeping a low profile from the rest of your family who might try and kill you for dishonouring the family.

If running away doesn't appeal to you and you go through with the marriage then that's OK because you'll be treated with respect wont you? Yes, as long as you do everything your Husband tells you, dress modestly (especially when outdoors), bear Sons instead of Daughters, attend the Mosque (you'll even have your own dedicated area for women, you lucky thing!) and don't answer back. It's OK though, because if you forget any of these things your Husband will know exaclty how to beat you as mandated in the Quar'an (4:34).

Beware though, if you feel like having your own identity instead as being treated as an object and wearing a tent your husband might divorce you. Thankfully though, Sharia a really efficient divorce procedure - for men that is. If he says 'I divorce thee' three times then you'll be out on your heel Mrs. If you want to divorce him however, you'll need to take him to court. Again, lucky for you Britain already has Sharia courts up and running so you needn't worry about receiving a favourable outcome but more a totally unfair outcome as you will be used to being a woman under Islam.

Not Homosexuals

Homosexuality is a sin under Islam. If you're caught, well, actually if you are suspected of being homosexual then I'm afraid your outlook is pretty grim. If you ever over hear a Muslim talk about a homosexual being well hung, they aren't referring to the size of his manhood, this is what they mean and the best you've got to look forward to.

Not Black People

Did you know the Arabs were the original slave masters? If you didn't then it's a fair gamble that you probably don't know who their favourite people to enslave were black people from Africa. That's all in the past right, they wouldn't consider blacks like that nowadays would they?
Still, they don't say the N word do they? No, but they do call all non-believers Kafir, a variation of this word (kaffer) was adopted in Africa as a racial slur against Black people. Yes, they invented that one but it's OK though, because all non-believers are considered inferior to Muslims, not just black people.

Not Non-Believers

When you are given your three choices (convert, agree to dhimmi status and pay tax to your Muslim masters, or die), if you decide that Islam isn't for you but don't want to die then Dhimmi status is the only way to go. Unfortunately for you, you have to pay a tax (the size of which is determined by your Muslim masters) and are forbidden for practising the faith of your choice openly. You can do so in private of course, as long as you keep it down and don't let your neighbours hear you lest they think you are trying to convert them in which case you will probably end up dead.

Not Female Children

Especially if you get married off to a nonce, sorry, a well respected Muslim gentleman as described in the second paragraph of 'Not Women' section above.

That's some list isn't it? So basically, Muslim Men only benefit from Sharia, especially if you like to beat your wife, mutilate your daughters, take chidren as brides, like your women to wear shapeless, humiliating garbs, and hang around mostly other unclean Muslim men.

If you know your history you'll know that not all of the above groups that wont benefit under Islam have always had favourable rights in this country and we've come a long way as a society and shed a lot of blood to get where we are today. We are the custodians of the liberties our forefathers fought for and handed to us, they are not ours to squander for sake of defending the sensibilities of a religion that originated and is best suited to the lonely desert of Arabia.

One thing is for sure, as soon as Sharia Law becomes mainstream in this country, we'll be right back at square one.

Perhaps the most insulting part of this whole charade of having to 'embrace' sharia is that of just how blatantly contradictory it is to liberal values and it's the most liberal liberals who are championing it! Well, no more, and not in my name. Like Churchill said about the defense of our Island against the onslaught of Nazi tyranny, we shall never surrender and if needs be, die fighting.

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